I think that’s the appeal of social media; funding like minded individualism to keep yourself from going crazy with all the people who don’t see things the way you do
And like you said, that doesn’t mean you don’t get along with people who think differently. But it can be mentally draining when people don’t understand basic truths, like the laws of economics.
💯 I don't like having to explain where I'm coming from to set context to a new conversation. It's exhausting and it gets repetitive. So I give up most times and just agree with people. I still have fun but it's superficial. I don't have very meaningful discussions woth most people.
In a physical "meatspace" environment it's the only option. Whilst I get what you're saying as feel the same, I've tried (commonly failed) recently to have more patience and occasionally it works and get past superficial.
But if you give up and just agree..... Meh, you're a better man than I cause I have a tendency to go throw full tin foil extravaganza and just see where shit falls 🙄
It helps if you can ask people the right questions. Otherwise you seem like you're lecturing. And people don't want to be told how to think , much less what to do.
Thing is, inflation means it gets less challenging over time.what's the correct term here? The inverse inflation but coin conversation inflator? (Am opening another beer after that)