I just had a passing thought and I better post it before I forget. Anil said so. Anywho, psychology is quantum. You heard that right. The thing is about quantum is that it doesn't make sense. It's make belief at its finest. It is an object that occupies space and time, at the same time. Not possible, super position. Newton said so. But in the domain of psychology, you can make yourself feel better by smiling. Did you get that? First, you don't feel well, maybe you are a bit down. Then you smile and then you somehow "trick"
your embodied biology in believing that you are happy, on account of the smiling and all. And then you feel better. Amazing. In a certain context, "wet streets do cause rain". I jest but I think I made the point. Psychology is weird. Try it next time you are feeling down. Smile like an idiot. Does it work? Report back please 🤔

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