A security thought exercise: 

If you got drugged at a bar and someone got full access to your phone and made away with it, what could they access within the next ten hours?

Assume they have access to your primary email.

So they can relatively easily change passwords to important accounts.

Do you bring a single point of failure with you wherever you go?
Since I don’t take my hardware wallet to a bar, some pocket money maybe… dunno, can they guess my pin in 10 attempts with the number pad randomized on a pixel before GrapheneOS wipes?
I have wanted to go to my first Bitcoin event the past year. For example Cheat Code and I honestly think on bringing a dummy phone to an event where a lot of bitcoiners are present in order to not be targeted… It’s a bit wierd feeling like wanting to go somewhere where I want to spend sats in real life and not want to take any Bitcoin APp in my phone
Your BTC should be secured. A watch wallet is... Well, not ideal but not the worst. Your LN should be fairly small.
For many people it would be far more dangerous with access to bank/investment accts, photos, notes, texts, messengers, and contacts which the perpetrators would be able to scam further.
Y it is secure. It is has you say. I don’t want people getting my personal data on a bitcoin event to then be targeted
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