don't trust garnet, not safe.
Monero doesn't have an L2, so your tips will incur on-chain fees, take longer, and be stored on-chain forever. Not ideal for tipping. Lightning zaps are instant, don't take up chain space, have fees <1%, and aren't limited by blockspace.
I just wish I could figure out how to use lightning.
The only wallet that appears to let you use lightning without a node requires downloading from an app store. No official APK?

Unless you have other suggestions?
If you get things setup, feel free to reply to my comment and I'll send a test zap
For custodial options (somebody else holds the sats/private key, you can withdraw at your leisure), coinos is great
For non-custodial option (you hold the keys, slightly more complex), I suggest Zeus wallet. Works fantastic.

Both options will get you an address in the format yourname@…
Thanks for explaining. I'll definitely want to get this working.

If I go the non-custodial way with zeus, does that still require me to host my own node? Also, once I make my lightning address, do I always need to open a new channel?

Much appreciated for your time and explanation 🙏
> If I go the non-custodial way with zeus, does that still require me to host my own node?

None of the options I listed require hosting your own node.

> Also, once I make my lightning address, do I always need to open a new channel?
If you're going the custodial route, this is all done in the background so you don't have to worry about it. For Zeus, the suggested workflow is:
That won't be true very soon. FCMP upgrade will enable L2s on Monero.

Everything you're saying is true, but overwhelming majority of zaps on Nostr are through custodians so it doesn't remove trusted 3rd parties. It's users asking custodians permission for custodians to zap other custodians. Monero is actual non-custodial tipping without asking permission.
There's a reason it was abandoned. Split what currency is being used for zaps and you will both receive less zaps and be able to send zaps to less people, too.
I used it for a month or two.
it was good except it had the old relay management.
I'm not in a position to contribute to it in the newr future.
Yes! let;s go! I hope they remove the shadow-banning in Amethyst also
Whos they?
whoever does the fork.
The only "shadow banning", was muting people who posted what reply guy was posting so it became indistinguishable from a bot, iirc
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