What’s the greatest Tarantino scene in your opinion?

I’ll start: the “Who am I?” scene from the tavern in Inglorious Basterds
The opening dialogue in Inglorious Basterds with Hans Landa and the dairy farmer was pretty amazing imo. When the entire mood changes and he admits to hiding Jews in the cellar and tears is rolling down the cheek.
Yes, I forgot that one
“You make the Lord very nervous”

- Little Nicky
😂 I completely forgot he made that movie
I don’t think he made it, but he plays in it for some reason 😆
For a director who is famous for the dialogue, his best scenes don’t actually have any.
That’s a tough call for me. Some of his best scenes are indeed dialogue free, but some others like the tipping scene in RD, the tavern scene in IB or Ezekiel 25:17 from PF are held up by the dialogue
Too right. I’m being a bit contrarian for the sake of it, although memories of my favourite scenes are based on a juxtaposition of visuals and context, sans dialogue.
25:17 ⚡️
Mr Pink’s dialogue/argument against tipping in Reservoir Dogs is also iconic
Love that one. I made gpt3 write a screenplay based on that scene with zapping instead of tipping
Haha, perfect script for ChatGPT
This whole note is fantastic.
No one particular scene but Pulp Fiction is still my all time favourite flic. It was the closest thing Ive ever had to a spiritual experience. No other movie brought me to a utopia like that.
Definitely one of his best. Every scene is hand crafted with so much care
“Just because you are a character doesn’t mean that you have character.”

The Wolf
The Spahn Ranch scene in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is brilliant, but probably not the greatest
I was going to name this one too. Love that movie.
The Bruce Lee scene in that movie is a contender
That’s a good one too
Jules with “What ain’t no country” from Pulp Fiction
If it’s Jules, I’ll have to go with Ezekiel 25:17
Too many to choose from, but the Walken/Hopper Sicilians scene in True Romance is brilliant.
I was wondering if anyone would bring that up. Love that one!
Another brilliant one!
This is good, but the greatest?
No. Just was in my mind. I was just talking about Wu-Tang and then you posted Tarantino. Immediately thought RZA kill bill soundtrack. 😁
When the nigger gets raped and Bruce Willis watches
To many movies, I need to find a week to make a Tarantino marathon.
Stuck in the middle with you is right up there. Love it!
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