For institutional investors like sovereign wealth funds or pension funds, buying #Bitcoin at either $0.06M or $0.6M doesn’t make a difference. At their scale it’s a rounding error.
How are your conversations going with these institutional investors? What’s the hold up?
Just watched @npub1qw6…j2v52 podcast diving into this subject ⚡️
Hi Samson,
Do you have specific resources you give SWFs to address any ESG concerns or criteria they may have to satisfy?
I’m no applied mathematician but don’t you get 10x as much when the price is cheaper?
Honestly, I don't really buy that. Why wouldn’t they care about a 10x return? After all, they’re only getting into it to secure their wealth against the debasing fiat currency in the first place.
Most of them are insolvent. There is no metric for success.
Why do I feel like one day or the other, they will lose their bitcoin?

It's not the same then holding money, stock or bounds where a technical mistake can be undone easily. 🤔
Yes it is.
Keep up the good work sir.
An order of magnitude is a rounding error?
A rounding error until they understand true scarcity
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