Was she doing the choreography dance moves back then?
i'm a programmer these days but dance and singing were things i did also, and actually a lot of my peers who signed up to be part of the school musicals and science tournament type things were the smartest, geekiest kids... in one of those science tournament things i made a backing track from the song You Can't Touch This and me and one of the team members wrote lyrics based on the silly idea we were presenting, he was also a budding musician

The music industry is a big rabbit 🐇 hole to go down. Lots of MK Ultra and satanic symbolism.
yeah, indeed, there's a kinda amusing, numerology-centric pod on youtube called "donut factory" that focuses a lot on the subject, and pointing out the humiliation initiation rituals and various other vile satanist types of business that goes on

and not just music, obviously, cinema also, and television, project mockingbird is practically an establishment now, clandestine cult organisation that you have to join to get visibility
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