Liberty Farmer
Lead Hamster at HAMSTR - NOSTR over HF Radio

HAMSTR is live, see github link in profile.
saylor needs real competition

everyone will benefit
Alright, I'll increase my weekly buys a bit.
NEW YORK POST: “Who knows what the mall-driven video-game business will be like, or whether Bitcoin will still be the most popular crypto, or whether crypto — which critics say has no underlying value but speculation — will even be around.”
God these people are stupid.
A GREAT job by Senator Markwayne Mullin on beating back Kristen Welker’s, and the the Radical Left’s Witch Hunt, on the never ending Signal story. They just don’t stop - Over and over they go! Meet the Fake Press should instead explain how successful the attack was, and how Sleepy Joe Biden should have done it YEARS AGO. This story and narrative is so old and boring, but only used because we are having the most successful “First One Hundred Presidential Days” in the history of America, and they can’t find anything else to talk about. The Fake News Media has the lowest Approval Ratings in history, and for good reason. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!
Bro, just say your team screwed up. Move on. It's not fake news, it isn't a witch hunt, it is a major failure.
if the govt doesn't respect 2A for these people, why would it respect 1A restrictions on its actions against them?
Because of bad court rulings over the decades. Mostly the last 100 years.
Yes there are restrictions. But student visa holders rights to free speech and due process aren’t among those restrictions.

Can a student visa holder provide material support to a designated terrorist organization? Not under current US law. But they have the right to legal due process.

If you believe in freedom and are concerned about a government taking away your freedom then you should be concerned about other people’s freedom as well. Especially if happens without any way to appeal to the legal system. These students deserve the right to defend themselves before the law.
I am not concerned about lack of freedom of speech of non citizens.

We cannot have a nation if we allow non citizens to come in, protest, and try to destroy the country that they aren't citizens or a part of.

Just as I don't have this right in other places, they shouldn't here.

The supreme court is wrong about rights of non citizens for a hundred years now.

Would love to see a constitutional amendment calling this out we also need to go back to land owners being the only ones able to vote. Let's do that one while we are at it.
Looks like they’re running some AI agent to try and match foreign students to social media accounts. If the US State department doesn’t like the politics of the posts the visa is being revoked. The thing is everyone in the US is protected by the constitution, not just citizens. So this is overturning fundamental rights to free speech and due process.

There is no way for these students to contest this. Many people don’t put their full name on social media, often people have the same name. So not only will this violate students first and fifth amendment protections, it will likely be applied to students who simply share the same name or are confused with other students who expressed a political view the government doesn’t like. …
Student visas absolutely come with restrictions, this is false.
4-year cycle is broken. We’re all learning to adjust, maybe?
Bitcoin hit almost 6.9x it's 2022 low, lol. Bitcoin has never existed in a global contraction and a flat US M2.
Um . . .
Well what's the answer? Kidding
Still trading like a tech stock, no?
I don't know what that means. Following the big tech stocks? No. Following macro? Yes.
Interesting; thanks. On another but somewhat related topic, I have always been astounded at the degree to which Southerners in the US absolutely love the Zionist terrorist killing machine. They practically worship it.
Define southerners? Who in particular do you mean? Like Alabama? Or Georgia or Texas? Not sure I follow.
He's a permanent resident. And, you're okay with the de facto suspension of habeas corpus? I've read too much history to agree with your points
And no, they shouldn't be holding him for jonteason, he should be deported immediately and status terminated.

This is about recent free speech cases and issues though, not the immigration status and rights of a non citizen.
Visa/green card is not really any different. Still have to play by sec of state and other federal department rules as part of the program.

He's a terrorist. He's not some dude on the street. He tried to extort and help a group of violent political operatives and students. That's domestic terrorism.

And yes, I do not believe non citizens get all the same rights while a guest in a country that is not their home. 💯
I am not sure he is anti-US; possibly he is just against US policy in the Middle East -- as am I. However, in the long run, none of these Middle Easterners should be in the same countries with us. They need their own countries, with which we should not interfere unless we are directly threatened (we are very guilty on the latter count, and I sympathize with them). They should take their wars and their centuries-long feuds elsewhere. That includes the Middle Eastern minority that owns the US Congress and the television networks, of course.
I am 100% fine with he and them being here. However, when on a visa, you agree to certain things. You can't burn a US flag for instance. You in no way have the same right to speech as citizens.

I could care less if a citizen is spouting anti us propaganda and even supporting terrorists via speech.

However, as a guest of the country, fuck off.
Wen bitcoin decouple?
It was for like 3 months, lol.
Crazy? Could easily be said of Somerville or Manhattan
Huh? You can absolutely without question call a public official names.
there is a law in our country what says that you can be punished for offending a public figure (cops included). And it includes speech. you can be arrested for calling a cop an idiot.
Region or country of you don't mind? That's crazy.
Nostr is home to a lot of spam,

but now there is an effective way to deal with it.

Do people see a lot of spam?? I am not even sure I get 1 or 2 a day. Compared to other platforms or X, that's childs play.
just had a flashback of listening to knights of cydonia on a mixed cd in my car on my way to pick up chipotle when the steak was still good
Great track!!
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